Spell checkers and homonyms

This funny poem shows how badly spell checkers deal with homonyms. It was sent in by a fellow VA to the VAIG e-list (VA International Group). There are no apostrophes either.

SPELL CHECKER (author unknown, but hats off to them!)

Eye halve a spelling checker;
It came with my pea sea.
It plainly marks four my revue,
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

Eye strike a key and type a word,
And weight four it two say,
Weather eye am wrong oar write;
It shows me strait a weigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid,
It nose bee fore two long.
And eye can put the error rite;
Its rare lea ever wrong.

Eye have run this poem threw it;
I am shore your pleased two no,
Its letter perfect awl the weigh.
My spell checker tolled me sew!

We're getting better at internet security

According to vnunet.com internet users are getting savvier about IT security. A few years ago the Love Bug and others were thought to ruin the entire internet!

The hackers have 'raised their onslaught', but people are not as worried anymore. News reports tell about the dangers of the recent Storm worm, but the damage is predicted to be on a low scale. It's true that the Storm worm and its mutants are very infectious and well spread. But as IT users are more aware of the dangers inherent with the internet, and protect themselves by taking the right precautions, malware are no longer as feared as three or four years ago. Commentators no longer predict the doom of the internet, but report objectively about the worms tactics and estimated spread.
